"Enjoy the honey-heavy due of slumber" said William Shakespeare, possibly thinking about top quality hotel experiences in the 21st century.
Slumbering in the heart of historic Shakespearean Stratford-upon-Avon, sits the newest addition to the Hotel du Vin family.
Hotel du Vin Stratford is stylish and contemporary, yet traditional - 46 boutique rooms offer guests opulent respite in two Georgian town-houses, dating back to 1798.
"Hotel du Vin Stratford is an exceptional hotel!" said key account manager David Taylor "with this in mind, we needed to provide an exceptional entertainment system."
Airwave rose to the task, recommending and installing Samsung’s HGEE690 SMART TVs; the 690’s slim, modern design marries style with substance, the perfect choice for the hotel's carefully designed interiors.
Utilising the 690's SMART capabilities, Airwave installed and commissioned an AirMedia IP interactive information system. AirMedia is a low cost, flexible content management system, offering a series of information pages integrated with smart services such as BBC iPlayer (and all catch-up services) and YouTube.
AirMedia's IP based system also enabled the implementation of Airtime, the award-winning movie-on-demand service, on each TV.
The provision of catch-up services, YouTube and Airtime offers Hotel du Vin Guests a multitude of viewing options, however further adding to the guest's decision-making process, Airwave implemented a nevayacast Chromecast system, allowing guests to cast their own content (such as Netflix, Amazon Prime etc) onto the guest room TV.
And as icing on the cake, Airwave commissioned five additional Sky TV channels.
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" said Shakespeare, almost definitely referring to the quality of Airwave's guest-room entertainment systems.